Monday, July 29, 2013

A Guides Vacation

 A brief slow down in what has been an otherwise busy season allowed for a quick sojourn to fish a fantastic summer steelhead destination, the North Umpqua River.
 Upstream view from Mott Bridge.
 Brian firing a cast on a sexy piece of water.
 Another stunning piece of water.
 Breakfast beer? Why thank you:)
Stunning! Rip Rap Pool.
 Incredible sunset as viewed from Ledges Pool
 Shooter looking bored as Brian makes a cast at Bogus.
 Shooter hanging out with me as I pulse a skater on a classic tailout.
Yes!! I finally came tight to a nice fish in Lower Mott on a Coon Muddler swung on a sink tip. The line burned my fingers as this fish took its initial run. After a nice aerial display and another run a broken tippet led to an early release for a great fish. Wish I could have tailed this one!
Love this river and if the fishing gods allow I will head back for a few more days in August to try my luck again. Until then, visions of a large summer fish leaping out of the pool will have to hold my thoughts!

Friday, July 5, 2013

Mid Summer Report

Here are a few shots from my guides season thus far. Fishing has been good on a variety of waters from the Truckee to the MF Feather. Water temperatures are now playing a factor especially on the MF Feather and Lake Davis where it is now to warm to safely practice catch and release. There are still plenty of other waters that are in great shape and fishing well.

Hope everyone had a safe Fourth of July! See you on the water!